Following a 38 year career with a major bank, in 2010 David retired to Canmore, Alberta, living in a condo purchased some years prior.
Interested in applying some of his knowledge and skills that helped to build his career, David joined the condo Board in 2011 and has served as its President for most of his time on the board. In addition, he serves as President on another condo board where he has a rental property. In 2018 he joined the Board of the Canmore Seniors Association, serving as President for 3 years and continuing in the role of Past-President. In 2015, David founded the Canmore Condominium Interest Group which provides a forum to support the sharing of information and problem solving.
David supports striving to achieve a ‘best in class’ condo corporation and positive community reputation, including strong governance (principles and practices), financials (budget, finance, capital work), Board structure (organization, operations, collaborative and team approach), and progressive communications with owners.
Living in Canmore means getting out into the wild, and he volunteers extensively with Alberta Parks assisting in the areas of wildlife research and management.