Medicine Hat: Condo Information Session

  • 10 Feb 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Village Terrace Room at Chinook Village 2801-13th Ave SE, Medicine Hat, AB.


  • Includes year membership.

Registration is closed

Medicine Hat: Condo Information Session

Join COF Medicine Hat Condo Information Session

About this event

duration: 7 hours

Medicine Hat: Condo Information Session

Condo Owners Forum Society of Alberta (COF) presents a day-long program to support of Alberta condo owners:

- What are the Condo Rules?
- Dealing with Condo Conflict
- Condo Money Matters
- Building a Better Condo Board
- Open question and answer period

Presented by Terry Gibson:

Terry has lived in condominiums for over 26 years, including being a part-owner in Maui, Hawaii, for 11 years. On boards, as both a secretary and chairman, he has focused on governance, record-keeping, communication and transparency.

In his career, Terry was employed by the federal housing crown corporation, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Shell (Crows Nest Resouces) in the housing world). In these roles, he supervised building inspectors, engineers, real estate appraisers, architects and property managers.

He subsequently moved over to the energy industry with Shell and in his own consultancy (focusing on public consultation for contentious projects and sour gas emergency response planning.

Terry is a retired member of the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia (REI(BC)) and the Real Estate Institute of Canada (FRI). He is retired and has instructed with the Board Development Program of Alberta Culture, training the boards of non-profits, including condominiums, in board governance.

Terry has a Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Commerce) from SFU and a Diploma in Urban Land Economics (Real Estate) from UBC.

Terry continues to be active in COF and has served as President since 2015 with a few small breaks. He shifted to Co-President in 2023.

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

Ticket Ordering:

COF MEMBERS - $55  Learn more about the registration fee here.

COF members can register and process their $55 payment online by clicking on the 'Register' link. Credit/debit and PayPal are accepted methods of payment.

Please email us at if you have problems registering for the event.


GENERAL ADMISSION - $90 (includes year membership)

Become a member of COF for just $35 per year and enjoy member-only pricing for our events and receive access to the member-only resources on our website. Join now!


Includes a light lunch.

Supporting Better Living for
Alberta Condo Communities


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